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These are a few of our favorite winter things!

These are a few of our favorite winter things!

Glissading for easy descents!


Soft snow cushioning and glissading (aka “butt-sliding”) down steep sections makes winter the only season in which I prefer down to up  

Building Snow Shelters (and Snow Furniture!)

The only thing more fun that building snow shelter is sleeping in it!  Get creative and carve naves inside for candles! Snow deeper than a foot may be piled and shaped into benches, tables and of course, snowpeople

Winter Night’s Sky

Cold, dry air makes the stars sparkle twice as brightly, and no leaf cover opens up more sky for spectacular views.

Snowball Fights!!

Soup and Hot Cocoa

Both increase in deliciousness as temperatures drop  


No need to worry about the notoriously rock, rooty, and uneven Catskill trails when you’re walking feet above them on an even blanket of snow. Plus you'll activate your core all day while snowshoeing!

Frozen River and Waterfalls

The abstract and other-worldly shapes of ice that form on our favorite brooks, cascades, and waterfall are an annual highlight

Crazy Seussian Landscapes

Those are the tops of trees!

Tracking Animals and Seeing Wildlife


None, Zero, Zip, Zilch. However, if you raid the food at night, you’ll have no one to blame the next morning.

Roaring Campfires

Our source for heat, comfort, light, companionship & good conversation